My name is Jacob Landis, and beginning in April 2013, I am riding my bike to all 30 Major League Baseball stadiums to raise money for children whose families cannot afford a cochlear implant. My cochlear implant at age 10, changed my life—for the better!—and I want to help other kids. The speed at which this has been coming together has blown my mind.
Back in October (2012), when I first broached the topic of doing this ride, my father implored me to begin making plans. I checked out all of the 30 teams' schedules, and tried to coordinate a route that would allow me to see a ballgame at each stadium, getting to all 30 of them, and not have to average more than 100 miles per day on each of the 30 'legs'. I began with a southern route, one that would take me from Baltimore to Atlanta, and finish in Philly--essentially a complete loop of 14,000 miles. In late November, I finalized what we call the Northern Route, which is now the official route. The schedule is located here: Jacob's Ride Schedule. By ending in Miami and not completing a full loop, my route is down to 10,500 miles.
Hey Jake, this is Charles. I'm pretty much surfing the web trying read everything. You are truly doing a wonderfully humane act of unselfish kindness, for which you will be blessed by God! I pray that you will remain healthy and safe throughout your ride.